Saturday 7 April 2018

Kit number 3 came home!

This Blog should have been shared in March 2018

I actually don't know where to start, so much has happened since I last blogged....

Lets update Mrs Brown and family first..
I moved camera location due to unforeseen circumstances. At the time I must admit, I was gutted having to leave our tried and trusted area, as it turns out it might just be the best move we've made. I've been busy the past couple of weeks preparing the new area to better suit our needs. The results have blown us away...
I have a method to encourage martens to a specific area, having said that they must be operating close by or it won't work! On this occasion it worked and quickly...

First to find the new area was Cullen, he's last years male kit.. next up was his partner in crime..Jagger the adult male. It's come as a real surprise to Margaret and me how often those two animals are together. They play fight quite often... I never for one moment expected an adult male pine marten to tolerate a male kit that's a year old, never mind enjoying his company and playing with him... I wonder how long this will last!!

Katy.. poor Katy..
The female Kit from 2017, she was having a hard time of it from Cullen, quite often in front of camera he would chase her off. It wasn't a surprise to us when she stopped visiting. However it was a real concern (we do get attached to them) when she stopped coming to the cameras because it coincided with a really cold, snowy period that lasted for weeks. It was always a possibility she had perished... I think she was away for around 6 weeks maybe a bit more...low and behold she reappeared looking a million dollars, healthy and fit, what a great surprise for us... she's been back for a week or more but last night Jagger gave her a hiding off camera, it was heart wrenching to listen to. I don't think she'll hang around long, but it's great to know she got through her first winter and healthy. we're so happy for her...

The third Kit...
I cannot believe I'm writing this, the third kit came back. July 2017 is the last clip of this animal i can find. I honestly thought it had died!! I really did wonder if Twiggy (a female marten observed about 7 miles away  at another camera trap location) was the 3rd kit, but now the kit is back it's plain to see they are very different animals.
The other two Kits hung around all winter and are still here... What an amazing animal this 3rd marten is, to leave Mrs Brown and her siblings at such a young age and thrive. 

So, 2 marten kits have come home within a week or so of one another.. there must be a reason for this but i don't know the answer!
To add to this quandary... for the very first time we got Jagger and Mrs Brown on camera together also Bow and Twiggy together on camera at a different location... all this within a couple of weeks. There is something in the air but I'm buggered if I know what's going on.. Could it be the impending new kit births? Long shot but It has crossed our minds!!


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