Thursday 31 August 2017

A new platform for Twiggy and friends.

Now that we've located another population of Marten's we need better footage.

To get to this camera we need to drive about 12 miles each way.. after the drive it's around an 8 mile circular walk. As I said before it's so time consuming, So Meg and me decided to cycle in last Friday evening, that was much quicker.
We walked back in on Sunday to take the feeding/camera platform in.

If we can keep the PM's on the platform it allows for better footage and ID.

Me being me wanted to check to see if Twiggy had visited the new setup, So yesterday I asked Meg  if she fancied a cycle in after work, which she did...
 Twiggy had been, the footage was a bit rubbish because the camera is set too close. I'll sort that next time we're in, which will probably be Sunday.

When we were in last Sunday we set a camera by the burn, there are boulders which are a possible crossing point for fox and PM, we found four PM scat close by, so time will tell if they cross the burn, we might even capture otter which we saw a couple of weeks ago on the same burn. The camera is a tad vulnerable to theft... it's a chance i thought might be worthwhile. Very few people visit this spot..

Just a quick update for Mr's B, Jagger and the Kits....

We also visit this setup a couple of times a week.. that's a around a 10 mile drive each way and a two mile walk. They're all doing well and putting in appearances regularly.
Circumstances have dictated we be careful with our setup here for the time being...

An update on Kyle...
She's our Ayrshire Pine Marten, as you'll suspect, we visit her domain a couple of times a week, which is around an 8 mile drive each way. We've managed to relocate her 1/2 a mile from the only a mile walk. That has halved the distance we walked for 8 months..the trouble is, I've got this setup all wrong.... I need to work on it...

An update on Craig...
This Marten has been by far the most difficult animal to locate.. it took us many months. When we finally located him, forest operations commenced within weeks... we had to withdraw the camera, but still pop an egg out weekly to keep him passing by.

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