Sunday 20 November 2016

Meg and I decided to put the knowledge we've gained over the past year to the test while monitoring our Galloway Pine Marten's. We wanted to see if we could find PM's in another forest, using experiences and ideas we've picked up and where we think are prime areas for PM's.

We went in search of scats which is the best way to pinpoint potential territories, unless there is snow on the ground then tracking is definitely the best option. We found 5 scats, over two walks, in roughly the same area. We set the Acorn Trail Camera in an area of wind blow trees, and gave the time scale of two weeks for a PM to show up. It seems the PM's can get around their whole Territories in two weeks or less.
 The last scats we found were very fresh so we assumed it would be a wee while before the PM came back around this way.. it actually took 10 days for the PM to show up.  
We put 3 eggs out for a possible visit, checked after a week... we got a couple of visits from a red squirrel. So, I broke the top off an egg so the smell would dissipate better. This is the egg the PM eats in the video.
So...our first Ayrshire - Kyle Forest Pine Marten is in the bag. We're really looking forward to building up footage of this, and hopefully other PM's in the new forest area.

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