Sunday 30 October 2016

So.. the clocks have went back an hour for winter, that  must mean the brown trout are heading up the burns to spawn.. We walked to a burn running into Loch Doon for a look today. We saw a fair few trout, mostly around 9". I thought I'd have a go at 'ginniling' one but I was a bit rubbish at it..  I was much better 30 years ago... 🙄
This Is Jagger our large male Pine Marten having one last check to make sure he hasn't left any eggs...just as day breaks.
I made this feeding box, I think the Marten's will work it out quite quickly.. I want to try and keep the PM's on camera for longer so this is a prototype. It will hopefully keep the crows off the eggs too but they might work it out as well!
This Little fella has been visiting everyday while we change sims and put eggs out for the Marten's. He gets some meal worms each time... He comes right up to us and shows no fear from us or Pip.

The Crows

The Crows have eventually found the eggs We leave for the Pine Marten's. They have been every day since... we'll need to keep the eggs in feeding boxes from now on.